
Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients achieve the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

I recommend Mr. David 100%, he is a very kind and professional person, he did a great job with my loan. Caliber Home Loans has a good work team and I am very happy with them. Thank you very much!!

Ana Rosales

David was an amazing help throughout the whole process and made every step smooth and effortless. There where no hiccups along the way because David and his team are on top of their game. This isn’t the first house my wife and I have bought but it’s hands down the easiest! Thank you David and everyone at Crescent City Home Mortgage for everything you guys did!

Tyler Pfister

My husband and I have been on the path back to homeownership for the last twelve years. We received countless denials, but no one ever took the time to explain to us why we were denied.

Our realtor connected us with David in November of 2021. Once he pulled our credit even though we were not approved he told us exactly what to do and within in 30 days we received our yes. We began our house hunting process in December of 2021 and we found our dream home in June of 2022.

The loan process was very smooth and seamless. David and his team took the stress out of the process We closed right at 30 days and there were no delays or setback unlike when I purchased my first home.

David helped us make it to the finish line after 12 years.

Allan and Tonya Ratliff

David is great! He helped us get our loan closed when we were turned down last minute by our bank and had it all done within two weeks. If it wasn’t for him we most likely wouldn’t have gotten the house we wanted. I will be forever greatful for his help. He has also called us when rates have dropped and lowered us into a 20 year loan instead of the 30 year we started with. I would refer David to anyone. I will never go through anyone else in the future except for David.

Stephanie H.

David is fair and very professional! Our loan process went very smoothly with no problems. Highly recommend Crescent City Home Mortgage for the selling/buying/refinancing process!!

Karen B.


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